35 Things That Make Me Happy

I try to be cognizant of the things that make me happy. My best days are the ones that I smile the most, so I want to have as many of those as possible. It put a smile on my face to put together all of the things that I love, so this was time well spent. This list isn’t in rank order, all that matters is the item is on the list!

  1. Spreading love
  2. Teaching people about investing 
  3. Hanging out and getting giggly with friends 
  4. Giving hugs
  5. Listening to Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo
  6. NBA celebrity all-star game 
  7. My family 
  8. Giving mentorship and advice
  9. Writing about a topic I care about 
  10. The feeling I get after a really fast run at the gym listening to some cranking music
  11. Rock Lee from Naruto
  12. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
  13. Feeling confident in myself 
  14. Reading Morgan Housel 
  15. The feeling of being reliable and dependable 
  16. Drake
  17. Taking showers after feeling dirty for a long period of time
  18. Sleeping in a bed with clean sheets 
  19. Driving
  20. My Yeti water bottle 
  21. Rick rolling people 
  22. Getting into an overly engaging conversation with a stranger
  23. Seeing other people happy
  24. Finding a Pilot G2 pen that someone left behind while I was in school (now I buy them myself)
  25. Hearing You’ll Never Walk Alone 
  26. Making lists of different sports facts
  27. Smiling 
  28. Seeing people that I admire do their thing
  29. Sitting in the sun with a slight breeze
  30. LeBron James
  31. Pizza
  32. Off-season posts on r/NBA
  33. Having the ability to go back to any day from now until 11/21/18 and having a journal post I can reference
  34. Reaching out to old friends I haven’t heard from in a while
  35. All Stephen A Smith antics 

This will be an evolving list. I want to try to do as much as I can to live a life with a smile on my face. I can’t see how that wouldn’t be a life well worth lived.

Peace and love.

2 thoughts on “35 Things That Make Me Happy”

  1. You’re awesome, Nick, and one of the most positive people I know. You make me smile every day!

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