I try to be cognizant of the things that make me happy. My best days are the ones that I smile the most, so I want to have as many of those as possible. It put a smile on my face to put together all of the things that I love, so this was time well spent. This list isn’t in rank order, all that matters is the item is on the list!
- Spreading love
- Teaching people about investing
- Hanging out and getting giggly with friends
- Giving hugs
- Listening to Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo
- NBA celebrity all-star game
- My family
- Giving mentorship and advice
- Writing about a topic I care about
- The feeling I get after a really fast run at the gym listening to some cranking music
- Rock Lee from Naruto
- Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
- Feeling confident in myself
- Reading Morgan Housel
- The feeling of being reliable and dependable
- Drake
- Taking showers after feeling dirty for a long period of time
- Sleeping in a bed with clean sheets
- Driving
- My Yeti water bottle
- Rick rolling people
- Getting into an overly engaging conversation with a stranger
- Seeing other people happy
- Finding a Pilot G2 pen that someone left behind while I was in school (now I buy them myself)
- Hearing You’ll Never Walk Alone
- Making lists of different sports facts
- Smiling
- Seeing people that I admire do their thing
- Sitting in the sun with a slight breeze
- LeBron James
- Pizza
- Off-season posts on r/NBA
- Having the ability to go back to any day from now until 11/21/18 and having a journal post I can reference
- Reaching out to old friends I haven’t heard from in a while
- All Stephen A Smith antics
This will be an evolving list. I want to try to do as much as I can to live a life with a smile on my face. I can’t see how that wouldn’t be a life well worth lived.
Peace and love.
You’re awesome, Nick, and one of the most positive people I know. You make me smile every day!
Thank you!