
2021 Reflection

Reflecting on 2021, these were my top lessons that resonated with me.  We are a product of our prioritization  We can talk a big game of who we are and what we want to do, but what matters is execution. Prioritizing your time and activities is how you backup your talk. We will all make […]

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Building Blocks

One of my favorite ideas from Jordan Peterson is being the “responsible one at a funeral.” It’s an achievable and admirable goal to have for your life. You want to be the person who can face the situation head-on and be useful in one of the toughest moments in life. It’s an opportunity to honor

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The Blank Page

Every night before going to bed I write a journal entry about the happenings of my day. I was writing my typical journal when I saw the blank page that would be filled with tomorrow’s activities. I thought to myself, “I could write down exactly what I plan on doing tomorrow right now and commit

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Finding My Voice

I’m a copycat, not a creator. Most of my writing stems from other people’s ideas. I’m not bothered by that, it’s all part of the process.  Ram Dass, a former Harvard psychologist turned spiritual leader, writes in Be Here Now, “My lecture notes were the ideas of other men, subtly presented, and my research was

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The One Thing We All Have

I’m a sucker for a great quote. One of my all-time favorite quotes is from Viktor Frankl who was a Holocaust survivor. In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, he writes, “Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”

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