Fearless Woman: Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation (March 2021)

I recently learned of a pretty interesting financial literacy study that came out of the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at George Washington University. The study is “Fearless Woman: Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation” and looked at the difference between financial literacy rates between males and females. The end result is that females are

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Thoughts from Berkshire Hathaway Annual Letter – 2/27/2021

Warren Buffett released his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders this weekend. Dating back to 1977, Buffet has released an annual letter discussing the past year for Berkshire Hathaway and gives some commentary on the overall marketplace. This has become a holy scripture to many of those in the financial community. You can find all

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An Observation: Black Swans and The Echo Chamber of Social Media

The way history is captured has been fundamentally changed with the rise of technology and social media. Instead of having the few literate people document history, anyone can have their Facebook posts or Tweets as historical artifacts. Everyone now has a chance for their voice and perspective to be cemented in the history books. Even

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